So Little Time
Having "coffee time talks" with my folks. The kind of conversations that never look at the time. Work life has been hectic that spending time at home equates to having 5-minute oatmeal breakfasts and going straight to bed. Tsk, tsk. I have such wonderful parents who are dynamic, modern yet conservative, intelligent, and have great sense of humor. I enjoy talking to them, so why can't I?
Being artistic. I love making accessories! It started out as a small business amongst four career women (naks) almost four years ago. They have all resigned now, except for me. I continued to make them as a hobby and also gave them out as gifts. I go gaga over beads... It's just frustrating how I can only buy reasonably priced beads and materials in far-off Divisoria or Quiapo. So the next best thing is Carolina's in Glorietta. Never a day-in-Glorietta goes by without me entering this store and getting a pack of beads or metal charms. Hehe. I've always been inclined with artsy stuff, may it be through painting or photography, but now I'm into wearable art.=)
Daydreaming. I think I've accomplished a fair amount of goals I've set a few years ago... I'm proud of myself. But until this moment I ask myself, is this really for me? I didn't go to work today - I had the worst headache of the century yesterday and until this morning. I'm not sure what's wrong with me, because I've been sleeping early, as in not later than 9PM the last three nights. Stress maybe? Or the aircon? My bebi and I made a deal that we should arrive at work around 7:45-8am and leave earlier than 6:30PM. So you know, trying to set a healthy work life... but the daydreams never end.
Doing Nothing with Bebi. People may think we spend too much time together. We both live in the South, so we go to and from work together. We work on the same floor and project, so of course we have lunch together. We've been together for more than 7 months now and yes, yes, (oo na, oo na hehe) we're still quite "young" BUT I can truly say, I can see myself in the "always together" situation for more, more years to come... Sitting for an hour on our sofa just kidding and teasing each other is pure bliss.
And the list goes on... but these are the things I have actually done in the last two months, aside from work that is. Don't get me wrong, I love my work. But I don't necessarily enjoy it. I love the opportunities it gives me, but I don't crave for it. Oohh... I just remembered about 5 years ago, I gave a day in the life of an analyst speech for an NJO. I actually compared CBTs to Vegetables. So something like that. What a geek I was. Haha.
Okay, so it's past 10PM, way past my bedtime. Tomorrow is another day... I had enough rest I think. I'd rather spend my time working then. Or maybe not...
At 9:25 AM,
Liza said…
/oras "So many things to do, so little time." says it all. Gets na gets kita dyan Dianne. I can very much relate eh. /hilo hehehe.
/kill /oras
I truly admire your strength in so many ways than one. Ang galing. /slap
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