At the back of the back of my head...
Life brings lots of wonderful surprises, and for me, most of them I didn't know already happened. Or perhaps I knew, but I didn't want to believe it. I've always wanted to be the type of person who can just embrace everything without conquering too much fear or anxiety. I do try, but who am I kidding... I still always think too much. And because of that, when the moment calls for face-to-face revelation, I'm always at a loss for words... Then I regret not saying the perfect words for such perfect moment. And what's worse, I HAD the perfect thoughts, but they just didn't come out right!
But is it wrong? I've been debating this over and over. Of course, past experiences have molded me into the person I am today. So every time I feel like something big is about to come my way, I want to be stronger, and more importantly, wiser in choosing which way to go. Having said that, I keep myself guarded even though it's already served right infront of me, on a shiny, glittering, almost blinding silver platter. It's like the feeling of "the back of the back of your head" - I told my friend about this once, and he said, "so it's the front of your head?" - haha, good point. But I would have to say, the back of another head. I try to act cool, but at the back of my head, I want to give it a shot, and further back, I'm dead-scared.
Now I ask myself, how can I enjoy life's wonderful surprises if I agonize too much? If I protect myself too much...
I have a list of top 10 things that make me happy. I think everyone should create one as it is very therapeutic (heck make it your top 100 or more). That despite life's so many issues, it can still bring you so much happiness. I think one of them happened just recently. Well, I'm not sure really... or am I holding back? I think it's the back of the back of my head. Maybe this time around, I need to switch their places...
At 4:32 AM,
Joy said…
be happy dianne =) here's a prayer for you who, more than anyone else i know, deserve it.
will be glad to hear a wonderful story come out of this when we meet each other this christmas =)
At 11:11 AM,
gwenny14 said…
i agree with joy... you deserve happiness. all your experiences have molded you in the person that you are now. i know life sometimes can be really happy and then it can be devastating, so people just try to protect themselves to risk getting hurt. i just think about being thankful that i was able to experience that kind of happiness, and the devastation has made me stronger. :) personally, for me, it's easier for me to regret things i did, than things i didn't do. so go lang ng go... hahahah. live life to the fullest (but have some savings too... hehehe)
- gwen
At 3:25 PM,
Liza said…
here's to more delightful surprises dianne :) stay happy and beautiful! /slap
and hey i will do that top 10 things one of these days... /barney
Let's Bay-ol!!! HAHAHA... /kill
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